Sober Living in Gastonia, North Carolina
Gastonia offers many sober living resources for men and women in recovery from addiction.
Gastonia, located close to Charlotte, NC, is supportive and encouraging with its recovery and addiction recovery. Gastonia’s care providers are educated and empathetic towards recovering addicts. The opioid pandemic has had a devastating effect on the city, and each person and organization offering care and resources to those in recovery understands they must work together to win our war against drugs and alcohol and the damage they cause.
Beacon of Light Sober House | Sober Living for Men in Gastonia, North Carolina and
Beacon of Light Sober House | Sober Living for Women in Charlotte, North Carolina
Our Beacon of Light Sober homes are safely structured for men and women respectively all located in Gastonia, North Carolina. Operated by Vanderburgh House, this structured men and women recovery residences are conveniently located in the town of Gastonia, NC with all of the local amenities that this growing city has to offer. Residents enjoy large bedrooms and a comfortable setting, focused on recovery, and structured to ensure resident success.
Chartered Vanderburgh House Locations in Gastonia, North Carolina
Vanderburgh House is a sober living operator headquartered in Worcester, Massachusetts, offering structred sober living for both men and women throughout the United States. Vanderburgh House is the first and only organization offering charters for sober living homes in Charlotte and Gastonia, each following a set of strict quality standards and offering unmatched service to residents. The Sober House Directory highly recommends any chartered Vanderburgh House home. You can view their North Carolina homes here or reach them directly by calling (844) 762-3747.
Vanderburgh House began operating sober living homes in 2016. Since then, Vanderburgh House has contributed to the recovery community in many neighborhoods, strengthening and supporting the recovery community through promoting sober living and creation of recovery residences.
Interested in becoming a Vanderburgh House resident? Visit their application page to apply online.
Applications take about five minutes to complete, and most applications can be approved within 24 hours.
Sober House Certification in North Carolina
Sober House Directory provides information on sober house certification for each state in the database. Please visit the North Carolina Sober House Certification page for more information about sober house certification in this state.
Recovery Resources in Gastonia, North Carolina
The journey to recovery requires more than sober homes. In addition to certification information, Vanderburgh Sober House Directory provides state-by-state information for recovery resources. For recovery resources in Gastonia, North Carolina, please visit the North Carolina Sober House Recovery Resources page for more information.
Beacon of Light: South End Recovery House | Vanderburgh Sober Living for Women in Charlotte, North Carolina
6040 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC, USA
Rents Start at: $225 per week
View PropertyBeacon of Light: York Chester Recovery House | Vanderburgh Sober Living for Men in Gastonia, North Carolina
211 W 2nd Ave, Gastonia, NC 28052, USA
Gender: Men
Rents Start at: $225 per week
View PropertyOxford House Paramount - Gastonia, North Carolina
1048 Paramount Circle, Gastonia, NC 28052, USA
Gender: Men
View PropertyOxford House Faith - Gastonia, North Carolina
315 East Street, Gastonia, NC 28054, USA
Gender: Men
View PropertyOxford House Stonehaven - Gastonia, North Carolina
330 Stonehaven Lane, Gastonia, NC 28052, USA
Gender: Men
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