Sober Living In Hawaii

Sober Living in Hawaii

Hawaii offers many sober living resources for both males and females in recovery from addiction. Sober houses have a long history in Hawaii. Recovering addicts find that by residing together, they can better understand and encourage one another to stay sober. Residents of sober houses in the state of Hawaii have various options for living choices. Some may select male, female, coed, certified, or non-certified houses, depending on their preferences.

Hawaii seeks to have high-quality sober homes for the residents to feel at home, and help them heal. Though every sober house has its own rules and regulations, the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are programs in most sober houses in Hawaii. In Hawaii, sober houses offer modern conveniences and secure environments where people work to live better, healthier lives alongside others who hold the same objectives in life. People whose intent is to support that transition and growth staff these sober homes.

A list of all sober houses in Hawaii is available below.

Sober House Certification in Hawaii

There is currently no State Certification Program for sober living houses in Hawaii.

Recovery Resources in Hawaii

The journey to recovery requires more than sober homes. In addition to certification information, Sober House Directory provides state-by-state information for recovery resources. For recovery resources in Hawaii, please visit the Hawaii Sober House Recovery Resource page for more information.


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