Open Door Ministry Inc

Open Door Ministry Inc

2823 Cherry Street, Toledo, Ohio, USA

Certification: Certified

Gender: Men

Sober House Description:

The primary goal of the Open Door is to provide a calm, supportive, therapeutic environment in which sober living men afflicted with substance abuse addiction may be empowered through the spirituality of the 12 Steps and other proven program requirements that will enable them to deal with the problems they face as they seek to re-establish themselves as self-supporting, sober, productive members of society. Qualified sober house residents may stay up to 24 months prior to returning to their life as a productive, sober member of society.

Additional Information:

The personal successes of residents of the Open Door are well known within the local rehabilitation industry. There have been hundreds and hundreds of individual success stories. Along with the individuals themselves, the Toledo area has been the major recipient of these successes.

Sober Living Home Operator Information:

Phone: (419) 242-7281


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Open Door Ministry Inc